Diata Traore




Period Formation Description
2022 European Summerschool in Quantum Chemistry  
2022 International Summerschool in electronic structure Theory  
2021 Label de Chimie Théorique Réseau Français de Chimie Théorique (RFCT)
Option : Advanced electronic structure and quantum dynamics
2019-2020 Master level 2 Fundamental Physics and Applications - Material Science Sorbonne Université (France, Paris, 05)
Magnetism and semiconductors physics, Correlated materials physics, Condensed matter chemistry, Materials investigation methods, Laboratories and simulations, Surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures, Nanoelectronics and devices with molecules and nanoparticles
2018-2019 Master level 1 Fundamental Physics and Applications Sorbonne Université (France, Paris, 05)
Quantum mechanics, Statistical mechanics, Classical Field Theory, Solid State Physics, Numerical methods for Scientific Calculations 
2015-2018 Bachelor in General Physics Sorbonne Université (France, Paris, 05)



Period Formation Description
2020 - 2023 Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique - UMR7616 Sorbonne Université (France, Paris 05)
Supervisors : Dr. Julien Toulouse & Dr. Emmanuel Giner
Development of hybrid methods based one wave-function theory and density functional theory for strong correlation
2021 - 2022 Teaching: Numerical methods for physics - LU2PY222 Public: Physics bachelor 2nd year students (Ressources)
2022 Teaching: Orientation and professional integration Public: Material Science bachelor 1st year students


Period Formation Description
2020 (5 months) Laboratoire de Chimie Théorique - UMR7616 Sorbonne Université (France, Paris 05)
Supervisors : Dr. Julien Toulouse & Dr. Emmanuel Giner
Implementaion and test of the self consistent basis-set correction method in Quantum Package
2019 (2 months) Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de la Matière Condensée Sorbonne Université (France, Paris 05)
Supervisor: Dr. Marco Tarzia
Application of the renormalization group method to the study of many-body localization transition in the Hilbert Space
2017 (2 weeks) Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas Sorbonne Université (France, Paris 05)
Supervisor: Dr. Olivier Le Contel
Analysis of measurement of the current density in the magnetosphere