#/bin/bash # This is a sample PBS script # temps CPU a ajuster au calcul #PBS -l cput=00:10:00,walltime=12:00:00 #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=12 # memoire a ajuster au calcul #PBS -l vmem=10gb # a changer # Pour savoir sur quel noeud on est #echo $HOSTNAME # Startdir = ou sont les fichiers d'input, par defaut HOMEDIR # StartDir=$PBS_O_WORKDIR echo $StartDir # # SCRATCHDIR = espace temporaire (local au noeud et a vider apres le calcul) # NE PAS MODIFIER ulimit -s unlimited export SCRATCHDIR=/scratch/$USER/$PBS_JOBID # cd $StartDir ############################################################################ ####### YOU PUT THE PATH TO YOUR QP_ROOT=~/qp2/ # <----- ADRESS OF THE PROGRAM FOLDER source ${QP_ROOT}/quantum_package.rc ####### YOU LOAD SOME LIBRARIES alias python3='/programmes/installation/Python/3.7.1/bin/python3' type -a python3 #export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12 module load intel2016_OMPI-V2 #---------------------------------------------- rm -rf *.ezfio # During the tutorial, you will launch several time this script. Therefore, if the ezfio folder already exists, the qp_create_ezfio should not work : so the tutor makes the choice to delete it at each run. #However, if you wan to keep the ezfio, erase the line "rm -rf *.ezfio". #You can replace qp_create_ezfio by # qp_set_file ${EZFIO_LABEL} #where ${EZFIO_LABEL} is the name of the ezfio directory. Be careful, in that case the basis-set, molecular orbitals, wave-function definition and Hamiltonian definition are registered and will be used. #----------------------------------------------